Gay definition of bear

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gay mass media, the single most powerful force in the current construction of ”bears”.sexual politics (gender, class, “looks-ism,” and body image).Through their voices, you’ll learn about: To this end, Editor Les Wright brings together both objective and subjective viewpoints to create a forum where bears can speak for themselves. As this book moves across the wide spectrum of bear identities, you learn about the defining forces of identity, the significance of differences among masculinities, and the shapings of the bear movement from different viewpoints.The Bear Book is the first compilation of sociological and cultural analytical investigations of the contemporary gay bear phenomenon.

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The Bear Book brings together an impressive range of bear-usually big, hairy men who favor full-face beards and prefer to wear jeans and flannel shirts-viewpoints to explore this unique social and cultural phenomenon that stretches from America to western Europe to Australia! On the personal level, you learn what beardom means to different people in their daily lives, and on a broader level, its cultural implications for not only the gay community, but also society as a whole.

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