Were there any gay “Christian Warriors” in Confederate ranks? Could there be a gay Christian Warrior in Confederate ranks? Ī few of these questions can be answered by consulting Tom Lowry’s book, The Story the Soldiers Wouldn’t Tell: Sex in the Civil War while others are simply meant to provoke thought.What was the frequency of gay sexual encounters in Confederate ranks during the war and were those parties any less Confederate?.Were there any gay Confederate politicians?.Were there any gay Confederate officers?.
Were there any gay Confederate soldiers?.Would the discovery of an individual’s sexuality threaten their standing as a legitimate member of the Confederate heritage community?.Is it possible for gay men to openly express their pride in Confederate heritage?.Actually, the blending of a symbol that has become so closely identified with conservative white men and even bikers, along with the colors of the gay community raises a number of questions. A number of you passed along this link for the “12 Funniest Items of Confederate Flag Memorabilia.” While I got a kick out of the Confederate flag toilet paper and “sexy, fiery Confederate flag,” I have to say that the gay pride flag t-shirt takes the cake.